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December 2024

Rowing Initiation Course – Mobile Bank

The activity is structured in a part of indoor rowing using the remergometers and the simulator or rowing pool, and a second of rowing in the water on board school jets, very suitable to assimilate the basic technique of rowing. mobile bank. The course consists of four sessions from 10am to 12pm on 29th and […]
21 Dec
10:00 - 12:00
January 2025

Rowing Initiation Course – Mobile Bank

The activity is structured in a part of indoor rowing using the remergometers and the simulator or rowing pool, and a second of rowing in the water on board school jets, very suitable to assimilate the basic technique of rowing. mobile bank. The course consists of four sessions from 10am to 12pm on 29th and […]
04 Jan
10:00 - 12:00

Rowing Initiation Course – Mobile Bank

The activity is structured in a part of indoor rowing using the remergometers and the simulator or rowing pool, and a second of rowing in the water on board school jets, very suitable to assimilate the basic technique of rowing. mobile bank. The course consists of four sessions from 10am to 12pm on 29th and […]
05 Jan
10:00 - 12:00

Rowing Initiation Course – Mobile Bank

The activity is structured in a part of indoor rowing using the remergometers and the simulator or rowing pool, and a second of rowing in the water on board school jets, very suitable to assimilate the basic technique of rowing. mobile bank. The course consists of four sessions from 10am to 12pm on 29th and […]
18 Jan
10:00 - 12:00

Rowing Initiation Course – Mobile Bank

The activity is structured in a part of indoor rowing using the remergometers and the simulator or rowing pool, and a second of rowing in the water on board school jets, very suitable to assimilate the basic technique of rowing. mobile bank. The course consists of four sessions from 10am to 12pm on 29th and […]
19 Jan
10:00 - 12:00
February 2025

Rowing Initiation Course – Mobile Bank

The activity is structured in a part of indoor rowing using the remergometers and the simulator or rowing pool, and a second of rowing in the water on board school jets, very suitable to assimilate the basic technique of rowing. mobile bank. The course consists of four sessions from 10am to 12pm on 29th and […]
01 Feb
10:00 - 12:00

Rowing Initiation Course – Mobile Bank

The activity is structured in a part of indoor rowing using the remergometers and the simulator or rowing pool, and a second of rowing in the water on board school jets, very suitable to assimilate the basic technique of rowing. mobile bank. The course consists of four sessions from 10am to 12pm on 29th and […]
02 Feb
10:00 - 12:00

Rowing Initiation Course – Mobile Bank

The activity is structured in a part of indoor rowing using the remergometers and the simulator or rowing pool, and a second of rowing in the water on board school jets, very suitable to assimilate the basic technique of rowing. mobile bank. The course consists of four sessions from 10am to 12pm on 29th and […]
15 Feb
10:00 - 12:00

Rowing Initiation Course – Mobile Bank

The activity is structured in a part of indoor rowing using the remergometers and the simulator or rowing pool, and a second of rowing in the water on board school jets, very suitable to assimilate the basic technique of rowing. mobile bank. The course consists of four sessions from 10am to 12pm on 29th and […]
16 Feb
10:00 - 12:00
March 2025

Rowing Initiation Course – Mobile Bank

The activity is structured in a part of indoor rowing using the remergometers and the simulator or rowing pool, and a second of rowing in the water on board school jets, very suitable to assimilate the basic technique of rowing. mobile bank. The course consists of four sessions from 10am to 12pm on 29th and […]
01 Mar
10:00 - 12:00

Rowing Initiation Course – Mobile Bank

The activity is structured in a part of indoor rowing using the remergometers and the simulator or rowing pool, and a second of rowing in the water on board school jets, very suitable to assimilate the basic technique of rowing. mobile bank. The course consists of four sessions from 10am to 12pm on 29th and […]
02 Mar
10:00 - 12:00

Rowing Initiation Course – Mobile Bank

The activity is structured in a part of indoor rowing using the remergometers and the simulator or rowing pool, and a second of rowing in the water on board school jets, very suitable to assimilate the basic technique of rowing. mobile bank. The course consists of four sessions from 10am to 12pm on 29th and […]
15 Mar
10:00 - 12:00
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