Sailing and swimming stays aimed at children aged 4 and 5

Kids summer stays 2024

Sailing and swimming course aimed at children aged 4 and 5.
Option A: From 9:00 to 14:00 without lunch
Option B: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Reception is open from 08:00 until 09:00
Course 1: from the 23th to the 27th of June
Course 2: from the 30 june to the 4th of July
Course 3: from the 7th to the 11th of July
Course 4: from the 14th to the 18st of July
Course 5: from the 21th to the 25th of July
Course 6: From the July 28th to August 1st
Prices 2025

Option A: €180 (€150 club members)
Option B: €280 (€225 club members) lunch includedReception option : 25 € / week.

Discounts :

For families with three or more registered siblings, a 50% discount is given on the registration of the third and subsequent siblings **

** The discount applies to the amount of the course and the various reception options. It will not apply to the school card amount

Sailing school card
Fill in the registration form





  • Fill in the registration form
  • Submit a copy of your social security card: by email to or to the Maritime Secretariat.

We process the information you provide to us in order to provide the requested services. The data provided will be kept until the interested party requests the deletion of their data. The data will not be passed on to third parties unless there is a legal obligation. In accordance with current regulations, you have the right to access your personal data, rectify inaccurate data or request its deletion when the data is no longer needed.


Tractem l’informació que ens facilita amb la finalitat de prestar els serveis sol·licitats. Les dades proporcionades es conservaran fins que l’interessat no sol·liciti la supressió de les seves dades. Les dades no se cediran a tercers llevat que hi hagi obligació legal. D’acord amb la normativa vigent, Vostè té dret a accedir a les seves dades personals, rectificar les dades inexactes o sol·licitar la seva supressió quan les dades ja no siguin necessaris.


We process the information you provide to us in order to provide the requested services. The data provided will be kept until the interested party requests the deletion of their data. The data will not be passed on to third parties unless there is a legal obligation. In accordance with current regulations, you have the right to access your personal data, rectify inaccurate data or request its deletion when the data is no longer needed.