
Business activities related to the sport of sailing

Business activities

Incentives and Team Building
  • These activities are a recognition of the work done by the company’s employees, through fun activities in which a strong corporate image and team training will be implemented.
  • Direct benefits. After spending a day of emotions and rest together, we will help the staff to understand each other better and above all the relationships between the different work teams will be strengthened. These incentive activities also strengthen and reorient the non-formal relationships of the company, generating greater performance in the workplace.
  • Indirect benefits. Participants in these activities generate new extra-work emotional bonds that help them improve formal communication within the company, thus minimizing work time.
  • A posteriori benefits. The staff will see the company as an organization that looks after them and their well-being, as they are not only paid for their work, but also receive an unforgettable day which will be a topic of conversation during the following months.
Training for the Company
  • These activities are Training Courses, which far from being a means of obtaining the well-known certificate of achievement, want to actively provide quality training, which is assimilated in the same training process, so as to be applied. from the first day of work.
  • Direct benefits. These intensive training courses introduce the participant to a direct self-management of the learning process, generating Aixa greater motivation and consequently greater capacity to assimilate the content of the course.
  • Indirect benefits. In these courses the previous knowledge is contributed from the beginning from which activities in the natural environment are offered; this environment promotes the cognitive openness needed to assimilate new knowledge at a much faster rate than the classic course of use.
  • A posteriori benefits. This type of training helps others to expand the knowledge of the workforce, to form new work teams and even to strengthen the existing ones.




COMPANY activities

We process the information you provide to us in order to provide the requested services. The data provided will be kept until the interested party requests the deletion of their data. The data will not be passed on to third parties unless there is a legal obligation. In accordance with current regulations, you have the right to access your personal data, rectify inaccurate data or request its deletion when the data is no longer needed.


Tractem l’informació que ens facilita amb la finalitat de prestar els serveis sol·licitats. Les dades proporcionades es conservaran fins que l’interessat no sol·liciti la supressió de les seves dades. Les dades no se cediran a tercers llevat que hi hagi obligació legal. D’acord amb la normativa vigent, Vostè té dret a accedir a les seves dades personals, rectificar les dades inexactes o sol·licitar la seva supressió quan les dades ja no siguin necessaris.


We process the information you provide to us in order to provide the requested services. The data provided will be kept until the interested party requests the deletion of their data. The data will not be passed on to third parties unless there is a legal obligation. In accordance with current regulations, you have the right to access your personal data, rectify inaccurate data or request its deletion when the data is no longer needed.