Sport stays

The Club has been hosting the “Summer Stays” since 2011, an excellent activity for children and young people who, in a privileged environment, are introduced to water sports and at the same time learn to be responsible and respectful of the environment. environment.


Spring is a great time to jump in the water. Take advantage of the Easter Week to come Maritim to enjoy the sea and the sailing.
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Summer stays

From the end of June to the beginning of September, the summer holidays offer boys and girls from 6 to 17 years of age the possibility of learning to navigate, sharing moments of play, learning about the natural environment, friendship and lots of fun! Organized for weeks and with the option of half board, the stays are an opportunity to enjoy the sea of Barcelona.
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Summer camps for Kids

With age-appropriate activities (4, 5 and 6 years). With age-appropriate activities
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