The club

Marítim is a club proud of its maritime origins. A club that combines sea culture and water sports. A club that looks to the future working to bring this spirit closer to the people and to our city, Barcelona


The Royal Maritime Club of Barcelona (RCMB), one of the oldest clubs in our country, began its activity at the end of the 19th century. Since then, in addition to being a pioneer and promoter of water sports, he has achieved one of the best sports curricula in the world in this field. In fact, in addition to winning more than 1,000 medals in national competitions and more than 200 in international competitions, Marítim won the first Olympic medal for Spain in 1932.

Time has given us a mood of our own. We have always been clear that sea sports are our raison d’être and that is why our family of partners is made up of sailors, rowers and sea lovers. The ROYAL MARITIME CLUB OF BARCELONA was born in 1902 as a “Real Club of Barcelona” when the “Real Club de Regates” (dedicated mainly to rowing for more than 20 years) and the “Real Yacht Club” merged ' (dedicated mainly to Sailing and of a similar antiquity).

L'objectiu del nou Club, segons constava ja a l’acta fundacional, era “desenvolupar l’afició als esports marítims, realitzar regates de vela i de rem i fomentar el progrés de la construcció naval”.

The first social venue was a floating building that had been home to the "Real Club de Regatas" which was moored near Barceloneta and was later moved to the Moll de les Drassanes, in front of the Customs building. Until this definitive location it had suffered numerous transfers by convenience of the direction of the Port and always to places too far from which at that time it was the city, fact that had made difficult enormously its access and, therefore, the continuity of the partners.

Board of directors

The Governing Board

Fes-te soci

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Tractem l’informació que ens facilita amb la finalitat de prestar els serveis sol·licitats. Les dades proporcionades es conservaran fins que l’interessat no sol·liciti la supressió de les seves dades. Les dades no se cediran a tercers llevat que hi hagi obligació legal. D’acord amb la normativa vigent, Vostè té dret a accedir a les seves dades personals, rectificar les dades inexactes o sol·licitar la seva supressió quan les dades ja no siguin necessaris.

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We process the information you provide to us in order to provide the requested services. The data provided will be kept until the interested party requests the deletion of their data. The data will not be passed on to third parties unless there is a legal obligation. In accordance with current regulations, you have the right to access your personal data, rectify inaccurate data or request its deletion when the data is no longer needed.